Saturday, December 20, 2008

Finally a Break ... And a Chance to Think

School's out for the next two weeks and I can think again. Christmas time, the new year, and time off allow for a chance to reflect and boy what a mixed bag that is.

The cold weather is so refreshing it almost makes me want to be snowed in up in the mountains, but only if I can escape on one of my bikes. Is there a conflict?

Reflection sounds good as long as I don't have to think about all of these insane bailouts, but how can that be avoided? The huge Ponzi scheme that crashed (and the government is going to bail out) just makes me think about the much larger one we call Social Security that is scheduled to crash in the future, but don't worry, the government can bail it out. That was a joke that not many people get yet. On the bright side, if the government prints a bunch of money to cover every one's losses the inflation will make what we owe worth less. Unfortunately, I don't have a fireplace so I can't use it to heat my house. Why don't we just print enough so that the government can hand each family $100,000 a year and do away with all this capitalism stuff? Really, it's just that simple.

And then there's the darkness crisis to consider!

Animals have begun to check out due to despair over global warming, but thankfully Santa was saved in time.

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