Sunday, November 30, 2008

Charged With Battery

It didn't cost much, $32.95, Walmart. Not only did I get charged but I also had to charge the battery.

It often happens with things mechanical that you get the euphoric feeling of accomplishment only to be stung by a reoccurance of the same old malfunction. After crying to my new friends at and getting a dozen different diagnoses it all came down to a weak battery. But not before I was served many an interesting story from bugs in the tank vent to a bug that caused a flat (wedged in the valve stem at speed). There is nothing like a bunch of guys talking who have been riding for a while to get one's imagination running wild. One guy said that an old deisel mechanic told him that whenever a starting problem crops up, try the battery. I assumed that that the old mechanic's advice was from experience not just because he was old. Anyway, I knew that my battery had to be recharged after about 4 or 5 start attempts so it sounded like the best and cheapest advice. I also found out that my KLR was a CALIFORNIA BIKE!!!! Extra hoses, extra canisters, tubes that no one can explain, and all. But fortunately Tex Earnhardt, a local car dealer and previous owner, had someone yank all that good stuff so that all there is left are hoses going nowhere.

To celebrate and check out the fix I rode out to 7 Springs, started it various times, and tempted fate since it was an area with no cell phone service.


Vicki C. said...

32.00? but just finding the problem costs more than that!

Ric said...

It's kind of like talking to one of those winners from Vegas. Don't ask how much was lost before the big win, it isn't polite.