Sunday, November 02, 2008

The 95% Solution

I got in a fairly heated discussion the other day with my liberal buddy (the one who is looking forward to the new bike we will all be buying for him). Anyway the topic of how much is too much came up. You know, the $250,000 limit. Anybody who makes more than that should be taxed more since obviously it won't keep them from taking care of life's necessities.

I answered with, "We should tax the poor!" It stopped him in his tracks.

He answered that it wasn't fair. To which I responded, "It wasn't fair that a person who only had something to gain got to choose." If 95% of the people will not see a tax increase that translates to, "Let's gouge those other 5%."

Making a deal with someone who has nothing to lose (and a lot to gain) is not fair ..... unless the goal is to buy votes with other people's money. Could that be the game? Ya think?

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