Friday, November 21, 2008

Who Will Bail Out the Government?

Let's see, every business in sight is looking for a handout because someone thought that propping up Lehman, AIG, and then Fannie & Freddie was a good idea. It reminds me of the scene in "The Jerk" where the rich guy with worn out seats in his airplane is hitting up Steve Martin for money to replace them.

What did we expect? Bailing out every company in the country will not fix this problem because the issue is not as much whether or not we can trust capitalism but can we trust our own government. When push comes to shove the politicians and the people do what they always do, one makes a promise and the other believes it. But isn't it getting a little hard to believe that guys (and gals) who buy votes with other people's money can actually keep their promises?

After all the lies are told and the money is spent who will bail out the government?

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