Sunday, January 18, 2009

And Another Great Day for a Ride

I was talking to a friend who has been chipping ice off of his toothbrush up in the frozen wasteland of Illinois and wanted to cheer him up a little. So this one's for you TJ.

It was a clear frigid 52 degrees this morning when I headed out the door at 7:30. On the way out to Cave Creek the roads were full of motorcycles and bicycles. The royal blue sky made the sun feel even warmer.

After a brisk 100 mile ride through scenic country on a twisty two-lane to Bartlett Lake I sipped coffee enjoying the view at an overlook. The ride home was a pleasure as the temperature rose to 70 degrees.

When I arrived home the scent of freshly fried chips and home-made salsa greeted me. And it isn't even noon yet.

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