Sunday, January 11, 2009

Where Do We Go From Here?

In America we have an utopian "gene" that resurfaces occasionally. All it takes is some distance from pressing problems and a group of believers. The experiments fail for the "simple" reason that the desire for personal freedom will not die easily. It's "human nature". The second or third generation buys out. The problem has been attacked by the current group of believers by taking over the school system and the information media. They have been able to secure at least a majority of the population .... for a while. The only way they may succeed is to take away enough freedoms that the average person can't see the horizon, so to speak. No dissension, "the science has been settled".

I think that reality will rear it's ugly head and bring us back. A few terrorist attacks, very cold winters, a little bit of financial suffering, and hopefully all this wishful thinking will fade away or may be swept away. For instance, what would happen if terrorists put bombs in a bunch of soft targets, shopping malls, baggage check-ins or public plazas? How about freezing temperatures where no amount of "green" energy will suffice? What about bailout after bailout that doesn't work? What about taxation that punishes those who produce and feeds the seed for the next crop (money that would have been invested rather than spent) to the takers? One or more of these will probably happen. And soon.

Then we can get back to raping the planet. You know, raising the standard of living, growing enough food, producing enough energy, improving medical care, creating wealth rather than redistributing it, creating new jobs, cleaning up pollution, increasing lifespans. A return to the bad old days.

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