Saturday, January 24, 2009

What Ever Happened to "Appropriate Technology"?

It's deja'vu all over again. If you can remember the periodical "Mother Earth News" you know what I'm talking about. Ben Franklin Stoves to heat the house, Volkswagens with batteries driving electric starter motors, passive solar collectors, wind generation, large home gardens, a woodlot, earthworks to modulate home temperatures, earthworm bins for fertilizer, mulching, picking pests off vegetables by hand. I could go on and on, after all, I was a subscriber.

Of course, now it's high tech, but the same. The problem was that it was too much work, the power was insufficient, didn't work well, and not cost effective. But now that we only have 4 years to live .... it's all doable... again. Back then the wind generators were small enough to fit on your micro-farm. The heat generated by the sun was used in a way that was more efficient (heating water) not converting to electricity and wood was considered a renewable resource. Your house was built underground (and you didn't have to deal with city building codes) so heating and cooling was minimal. It was almost like returning to cave dwelling.

Here we are again in the 70's with our new generation of (metro)hippies, a black Jimmy Carter and this time without our Franklin stove.

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