Monday, January 26, 2009

Elections Have Consequences

polarbearThis is why Barry should have never been elected. We are being inundated by climate scare tactics designed to further destroy our economy and forever create a socialist state. People will buy into this because the media is the Democrat party. Oh we got our “historic” new president and a bunch of fools following him off a cliff. Just give him a chance, they say. I did. One week is all it has taken to prove to me that he absolutely can’t be trusted and is destined to be the all time worst president we have ever had. I’m sorry friends and family but between letting terrorist free, buying into global warming, pushing a huge pork laden so called stimulus bill designed to buy votes, paying for abortions, putting a tax cheat in charge of the Treasury Department and Hillary at State there isn’t much good to look forward to the next couple of years except one hell of a fight.


J. Curtis said...

Well, at least it'll give you and Rush something to bitch about. I guess the previous 8 years have been slow.

Ric said...

Wait till you see the damage when they start implementing this stuff!

J. Curtis said...

there it is...checks and balances in action:

Ric said...

The last time this happened was in 1993 when Clinton put through his budget without any Republicans signing on. The next year the Republicans took over Congress because the budget was a huge tax increase. Obama is afraid of the same reaction. He can literally pass any legislation he wants, he has the votes to do it.

With the "consensus" falling apart on global warming he has the political power right now to get through most anything but it may destroy him in the next election cycle. We'll see.

Ric said...

The bill passed exactly as before. The stock market isn't impressed with the nature of the "stimulus". No surprise there.

There is no bipartisanship. Same old same old. No surprise there.

The Senate will add more pork and pass it through. The stock market will not be impressed with the package. No surprise there.

Unless these guys get serious about tax cuts there won't be any recovery.