Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Let's Get Real 2

I've just about had it with the constant nonsense coming out of the news media. If people are ignorant of facts it is partly because of the unending hype. To get viewers these guys have to paint everything as a crisis but, holy cow, at least be honest.

We are daily treated to the word recession and comparisons to the Great Depression. A recession involves the economy shrinking (going backwards) for 2 consecutive quarters. I would bet that most people would be surprised that this has not happened, not even 1 quarter. WE ARE NOT IN A RECESSION.

The Great Depression involved a shortage of money, we actually have too much money out there that's why some economists are concerned about inflation. The current unemployment is about 5%, during the Depression unemployment was 23%. Remember we have 5% unemployment with about 10-20 million people here illegally. When the stock market plunged in the Great Depression it dropped 75% of its value. I can't speak for everyone else but with all this "market turmoil" my stock market holdings have dropped 1/2 of one percent. J and Brad, your inheritance is still safe.

I don't know how much of the hype is politically motivated and how much is just to sell "news", but for Pete's sake, and the rest of us, at least be honest.

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