Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Let's Get Real 4

This is why we need conservatives in government. Socialism doesn't work. Whenever the government is the financial guarantor, the people will act irresponsibly. They have nothing to lose.

Here we are bailing out companies again. Everybody should have a house, right? Even people who can't afford one. Even investors who were just looking to flip them. Even people who had no income? And guess what, we, all of us who are not part of the problem, are going to get stuck covering the losses that government policy has allowed and encouraged to happen.

In Arizona people who aren't even here legally are (or were) allowed to buy a house and a car, don't ask don't tell, you know. As laws begin to be enforced they no longer can get jobs so they walk away from what they should have never been allowed to purchase, exaserbating a bad situation. We have been screaming, "Enforce the laws!" for so long that the results of enforcement now are a shock, but not to those who have been paying attention.

Unless we get some responsible leaders (and citizens) who understand the nature of the problems, increased supply decreases the price, don't bail out bad behavior because it will then increase, and government can't take care of everything, we will bankrupt this country.

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