Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Looks Like the Market is Working

I was out riding this morning and noticed that the price of gasoline had dropped some. Later I went to fill up Vicki's car and paid $3.96 for regular but what really shocked me was diesel had dropped to $4.44. This week demand finally kicked in to drive the price down. If we get serious about production it may get down to $3.50 by Labor Day but doubt that it will get much lower than that.

Government doesn't need to do anything but get out of the way.

UPDATE 7/27/2008:
At the station mentioned above regular is now $3.85 and diesel $4.29. Keep it going!

UPDATE 8/9/2008:
The prices all over town are $3.69 for regular and diesel $3.99. I might consider buying some soon.

UPDATE 8/15/2008:
Regular is as low as $3.63 and I broke down and bought some diesel for $3.89. The first since January. Don't drive the truck much, you know.

UPDATE 8/24/2008:
Regular is at $3.499 in several places but diesel has gone up a little or stayed the same. $3.50 a gallon and a week early, ok.

UPDATE 9/13/2008:
Regular is $3.45, Premium $3.61, and diesel, $3.69.

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