Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Let's Get Real 5

For those of you who are or have been married you understand that it is possible to lose an argument but still be right. ANTHROPOMORPHIC GLOBAL WARMING is the latest example. It's a hoax but so many people buy into it, for whatever psychological reasons, that politicians have to act like it's true.

The bottom line is that if CO2 is causing anything (which I think is disproven historically) there is nothing we can do to stop it because we don't control China or India and we will not be able to stop other countries from using "fossil fuels". It is a feel-good exercise designed by big government types to deprive us of our money and freedom while supposedly "saving the planet". Many businesses have signed on because selling one product to make money is as good as another. That oil guy, Pickens, is a perfect example. He wants to sell natural gas so he supports wind and solar to get the support of the environmentalists. Hopefully, as the cost becomes clear, the American people will get the picture.

Energy independence is a worthy goal but mining, drilling, damming, and nuclear is no more damaging to the environment than building wind farms or solar plants. All energy on earth is "natural".

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