Saturday, November 08, 2008

Junk Science and Arctic Sea Ice

If nothing else it is entertaining to work with liberal (oh, I mean progressive) Democrats. It is almost impossible to keep up a blog that even touches on what it is like working in a public school and engaging in truly insane conversations.

The other day my "free" bicycle recipient (future) friend told me that people who make over 3 million dollars should be taxed at 90%. I asked if he thought that would raise money and he looked at me as though I hadn't heard him. So I asked him just how long would a person bother to make that kind of money if he couldn't keep it and would that have an effect on the economy. You know, some really deep thoughts.

Then there was the conversation about the election turn-out. Apparently it wasn't that big turn-out we had all been primed for. In fact, it was about the same percent as 2004 because 1.3% less Republicans bothered to show up. One of my colleagues asked me if I got that from Fox News (since it is so biased, you know) and I said that actually it was CNN.

Then there is the constant propoganda about global warming and the total lack of interest in any explanation other than it is caused by Republicans. That was a joke. So when I asked our science teacher if he remembered that the Arctic sea ice was due to disappear and wanted to know if he had been keeping an eye on it, he was surprised to see that it was still there. That's a little exaggeration. But he would not believe that it was growing from last year. He wanted to know if I got that from Fox News (Fox or Drudge might report a story since failure to report defines bias). I told him that actually it was from a University of Illinois website. Well you really can't believe your lying eyes you know.

There will no doubt be many other interesting conversations in the future that involve pulling one's self up with one's own bootstraps (economics). I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's amazing how so many people that watch CNN, ABC, CBS, & NBC have never heard the other side of these arguments. It's as if these station only promote one agenda. But we know that can't be true. If the majority say so, it must be. :)

That is why I really liked Ben Stein's "Expelled". It showed real scientist on both sides of the issues give their perspective. What surprised me was how little evidence the evolution side actually has, but they receive the majority support. Or maybe it's just the most vocal support.